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Moura Olive Oil, Olive Oils with History
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A Fragrant Combination.
Alcohol Level
Total Acidity
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Moura PDO Olive Oil
Virgin Olive Oil 63,60 € com IVA -
Lot Selection
Extra Virgin Olive Oil 5,30 € – 7,42 € com IVA -
Moura PDO Olive Oil
Extra Virgin 5,30 € – 6,36 € com IVA
Moura PDO Olive Oil
Virgin Olive Oil 63,60 € com IVA -
Moura PDO Olive Oil
Extra Virgin 5,30 € – 6,36 € com IVA -
Moura PDO Olive Oil - Organic Virgin
Extra Virgin Olive Oil 5,30 € – 6,36 € com IVA

Our Winemaking Blog.
Caramel cake
- Posted by António Cristina
Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, in the order indicated, without separating the yolk from the white, stirring until the mixture is smooth and creamy.
Grease the pan with Azeite de Moura and sprinkle with flour
Bake in the preheated oven, but don’t overcook it so that it becomes moist and the burnt sugar melts inside the cake.
Apple and walnut cake
- Posted by Helder Transmontano
Beat the eggs with the sugar, add the milk and stir in, then add the Moura DOP Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil and stir in. Add a glass of brandy or fortified wine.
Add the cinnamon and mix well. Add the flour and Royal powder.
Add the chopped apple, half the chopped walnuts and slivered almonds.
Loin in the oven
- Posted by Catarina Infante
Prepare the loin by piercing it several times with the tip of a knife.
Make a paste with the garlic and paprika.
Cover the meat with the mixture and leave to marinate overnight.